MS. PAT'S FINAL JOURNEY: 1_0_106_1myrtle_beach_photographer_01

The Rev. Cheryl Moore Adamson, a former chaplin with Mercy Hospice and friend of Pat Forister, reads bible scriptures during Pat's memorial service on the Tuesday after she died. Pat's service was held at St. John Church of God in the Sandridge community of Conway.  Pat helped many families in the community, including the family of the church's reverend Laura B. Spain. Pat was the hopice nurse for the reverend's husband Simon J. Spain who died in December of 2004.

The Rev. Cheryl Moore Adamson, a former chaplin with Mercy Hospice and friend of Pat Forister, reads bible scriptures during Pat's memorial service on the Tuesday after she died. Pat's service was held at St. John Church of God in the Sandridge community of Conway. Pat helped many families in the community, including the family of the church's reverend Laura B. Spain. Pat was the hopice nurse for the reverend's husband Simon J. Spain who died in December of 2004.